
Rack Systems

Oasis Luxury Smart Homes takes pride in our design and implementation of a home’s centrally located rack system.

Rack Systems
Completely Centralized

Centralized Rack System

While not every home calls for a centrally installed system, you may be surprised at the benefits from having a professional design and implement a Central Home Technology System.

Design, Build, Test, and Test Again...

Design, Build, Test, and Test Again...

By working with Oasis’s seasoned professionals to understand your needs and lifestyle, we will formulate a plan to locate your home’s technology in a central location.

  1. No one wants to look at electronics. – How many times do you see friends of family do a wonderful job decorating their home only to place a quality TV on a fireplace but then leave wires hanging and a cable box sitting on the mantle below? Or maybe a bunch of wireless speakers all over the home taking up counter space in the kitchen and becoming eye soars in the formal living room?
  2. Service and Reliability- By centralizing ALL of your home technology devices in one place we can implement auto-healing and remote service protocols that allow for quickly troubleshooting or rebooting problem components like cable routers or cable boxes.

  3. Ease of Use- When we install all of your sources in one central place, we can easily share audio and video sources like surveillance cameras, or Apple TV to all the TV’s throughout the home for quick access.

  4. Professional Installations- Just as you can tell if you cut corners on your Flooring or Kitchen appliances- as you move away from a professionally install central rack system, you end up with all kinds of mismatched DIY electronic devices scattered through you home, plugged into random electrical outlets or sitting on designer furniture- quickly taking away from your home’s beautiful décor.

Let's Design Your Home Oasis Together.

Let's Design Your Home Oasis Together

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