
Home Networking

Bad WiFi Connection? This can cause issues with all kinds of connected electronics in your home, Call us today so we can fix it!

home networking
Importance of your Network

Home Networking

The absolute most important part of a smart home is the network and WiFi system, it is the backbone of your smart home technology. When we start working working with a new client, the first thing we ask is “how is your WiFi?”, and the answer is usually not great, which often leads to frustrating issues for a client that is trying to add smart home devices to their home. It actually takes a little bit of planning to properly install and configure and home network system, but don’t worry- we have you covered!! We can walk through your home, and if need be, even use smart technologies to scan for possible interference before suggesting a solid and reliable solution. Rest assure that when we finish upgrading or installing a new WiFi system you will have a foundation to build all of your smart home technologies on.

connected home

Connected Home

Most of us spend more time in the home than any other single location, and that means we want our homes to be places where we can best enjoy quality of life, as well as whatever living comforts are within our means. Today it is possible to integrate every aspect of home life into the home network whether it be in the garage, kitchen, living room or bedroom. This adds functionality and value to those devices which make our lives more enjoyable and a little bit easier. The modern connected home features streaming media players, smart appliances and electrical devices, managed lighting, integrated paging and messaging systems, and a great many more diverse mini-systems, all connected and managed centrally.

Whole-Home NetWork

Your audio system should probably be multi-source so you can have different music in each room and so you don’t need to strain to hear music from a location farther away in the house. Of course, you might do OK with a single-source system if you need just one amplifier (like if you live alone and spend most of your time in one area of the house). The three main considerations that go into single-source vs. multi are the number of people living in the house, their music preferences and which rooms you want music in/how close the rooms are to one another.

whole home network
structured wiring

Structured Wiring

The best way to think of structured wiring is to imagine all the communications cables for your audio and video systems as a single, integrated system of wiring. The big advantage to structured wiring is that it has a central location to which all the cables from individual systems are directed, with all the wiring for phone, video, network, and TV bundled together. Because all cables come in to the central wiring panel, any kind of changes are made easy, and troubleshooting is also much simpler. Best of all, it always results in more consistent signal quality for each individual system, because they all have the same source and receive the same signal level. This kind of wiring scheme also allows you to use high-quality cable throughout the entire network, giving you the absolute best framework for high-quality entertainment.

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